Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Simpsons

What can I say?We like to eat.
July 7 ,2011. My mom's birthday. As usual on birthdays, the family gathers and usually has a big feast.
Justice System = OOOPS!
The 7th was no exception. The conversation turned to the Casey Anthony verdict of not guilty. As expected, none of us there could understand what had happened.
Somehow then, the conversation turned to the Nicole Brown/Ron Goldman murders.
I still don't know how we segued  into that. Maybe it was because it was this time in 1994 when it had occurred. Almost immediately, my brother blurted out,' it wasn't OJ, it was his  son Jason and OJ took the heat for it!'. My brother is known for being somewhat of a conspiracy theorist. The only problem is , he gets all his info from the internet, and it's hard to see that as reliable. Being inquisitive though, I decided to do a little research myself.
875 South Bundy
Brentwood California
June 13 1994
The bodies of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson are discovered.They were killed a few hours earlier on June 12, 1994.
All evidence immediately points to OJ Simpson.
Warrant issued for OJ on June 17 ( day of the big chase)
O J's son Jason left the restaurant about 930 with his chef knives according to witnesses. He had got into a possible conflict with his girlfriend and was somewhat agitated. This time line will change a couple times through the investigation.As a chef,it's not that unusual to bring knives home after your shift.Sometimes one good chef knife can run upwards of hundreds of dollars.
I came across a documentary linked here, its called OJ Guilty but not of murder or watch it at the end of this post. Immediately this investigator manages to get copies of Jason Simpson's medical records. This must have been before that privacy act went into effect. It turns out he has a drug problem and a history of violence. No, I'm not sure what  drugs have to do with it. But it showed he did have a lot of anger management issues. He had been on depakote for years and had gone to the hospital a couple weeks before the murders to tell the Dr. he was almost out and was going to rage. Depakote is used to control seizures and helps with bipolar disorder. Two weeks prior to the murders Jason attacked his girlfriend Jenifer Green. There are other instances of violence towards women in his past having to do with knives. Very interesting. He was also trained in hand to hand combat and was known for always having his knives or a knife with him. I am truly intrigued now.
He  had talked to his ex girlfriend before the murders and told her he had stopped taking his medicine. Let's go back in time a bit.
It turns out when he was younger there was an incident involving the death of his sister.He had a sister Aaren who drowned when he was around ten. There's not much out there on this and I am still researching it, but she was with Jason in the pool unattended. For some reason he left her alone and she drowned. Or did she? This caused some serious mental issues with him and he began therapy to help deal with it. And we're back to the present past now. I think I read this right, if not I apologize. On the night of  the murder he was excited because he was going to be preparing dinner where he worked for the family to celebrate a family member's recital, but last minute, Nicole decided to change locations. Hell, that would piss me off, but not enough to kill. But I don't have mental issues like that. As a chef, I know how frustrating that could be. We like to show off and impress our families. And finally, there are discrepancies in his statements about when he left work and where he was that night. I don't want to give too much away, but here's a very good documentary about the investigation done privately and a lot of never before seen, rather compelling evidence.
Check it out and see what you think.Hmmmmmm, notice the hat he's wearing, very similar to the one found at the crime scene maybe?

1 comment:

  1. "My brother is known for being somewhat of a conspiracy theorist"

    LOL You don't say?
