Friday, July 15, 2011

Attention Deficit Dis…What was I saying?

She may look like Voldemort, but hey, the sex was bad.
I still can't believe she took the dog though.
I'd like to introduce you to my ex. For the sake of  having to say her name, or calling her the  lying whore who ripped out my heart because she blamed me for her own depressing misery, over and over again, I'm just going to refer to her as Cat. I suppose I shouldn't be to upset, I played my part in things too. I just wish I didn't waste so much love on her, and for the record, I do hope somewhere she is happy with someone who can be equally miserable with her. The reason I bring her up today is a  conversation briefly had with my mother. Cat is an example of what's really messed up with my generation and the generations following us. She always expected more. The relationship was not like it was in the movies or  on TV. Imaginary and made up by a team of writers.
When we used to argue, like most couples do, It always seemed to boil down to how we each had different views of relationships. I would always disagree, but  it would always go back to the beautiful things that could only be seen on the silver screen. Trust me, this is all going to tie in together at some point. Let me go back a bit to the conversation I mentioned earlier.

Talking with mom the other day. Hi Mom! The conversation came around to something or other having to do with attention deficit disorder ,and since I'm a moron, I kept referring to it as OCD. But anyways, once the brain farts subsided, an interesting theory formed in my skull. And here it is…
One of the main reasons that today's children are growing up with no attention spans and are hyperactive, or whatever you want to call it, is something I have always called, 'information overload'.
What that is, is simple. There are so many facets for gaining information of any kind that our minds as a collective can't take it. As older people have adapted to this and can just tune it out, the younger ones have no other avenue to take. They have no earlier reference point to draw back on. Take a look at a tv show from the 50's. Let's take 'I Love Lucy' for example.
Most of the half hour situation comedy takes place in Ricky and Lucy's living room. Next, we go to the commercials that would run during these shows. They were simple and to the point. 'Buy This', or ,'I only use this product'. You get the idea. As a whole, we were content with this. Now, compare that to the commercials you see today. One commercial, in 30 seconds continuously flash different images to force there point. Video games are just the same. The images fly through different levels. They're so fast that sometimes you can't even make out what the hell is going on.
And then there's movies. Fast, loud and exciting. Don't get me wrong I'm not against any of these things, but I think they contribute to what I said earlier and that’s 'information overload'. We have  instant access to everything out there, and it's all instantaneous. I think it has a downside. It seems to me that all this information that comes at us so fast, has a huge effect on society. Whether it be some fairy tale life or depression, or ADHD, hell, maybe even autism. I believe information overload plays a huge part in it. I would love to see if any studies have been done on this. I doubt it, because the only way to test would be to confine a child to a life of isolation from the rest of the world. Maybe the Amish could partake in this study as they are supposed to be against all that stuff. I don't know much about them so I don't even know if that would work., Anyways, do we, as a society, need all this information , and is it affecting us in a negative way. When I was younger, I used my imagination.
The fun one can have with a rubber ducks, legos and great imagination.
Our family didn't have cable and we lived out in the sticks so imagination played a huge roll in my upbringing. There's so much going on today that I think kids are using there imagination less and less. And that is sad.

Here's a Perfect example. I just read an article about how a parade affected business on main street in Great Barrington Massachusetts. Never in my mind would I give two shits about anything in GB, MA unless my cousin didn't post a link on his Facebook. Sorry Bob, but, I'm not really interested in Massachusetts unless I was going there for some reason and then I would like it to be a surprise. But it goes to show you what I'm talking about. 100 years ago, it would take a good few days for news like that  to reach other parts of the country, and only then, it would be the really important shit. This particular story probably wouldn't have been deemed important enough to make it past Great Barrington lines. These days, if a cat gets stuck in a pipe in Iran, it ends up being everywhere, From TV to Internet.


  1. I'm sure you would feel the same about Rotterdam, that is if we ever made the news.

  2. You haven't discovered anything Steve, except that you're getting older. Our grandparents probably had a similar conversation about kids being raised with TV instead of radio!

  3. I always wondered that.Has ADHD, ADD always been there, or is it that it was never a condition. When I was a kid, there was no such disease, but a kid that was too hyperactive or didn't pay attention, got slapped by dad and was told to settle down or pay attention. nowadays parents can't discipline there kids so they feed them drugs and use these conditions as an excuse. I know Im not citing all the symptoms of said diseases, but you catch my drift.

  4. Also, I should of went further with this. Older generations , even mine, has the ability to shut off the TV. but today's generation is more apt to always have something going on. You hear all the time how kids are being raised by the TV. I wonder where it will all lead to.
