Thursday, July 21, 2011

Finally! I spent a buttload of cash to go see Green Lantern!

Yes, It's the actual ticket!
Boy oh boy, do I really want to write this blog right now, but there's a Jan Michael Vincent movie  on right now and I can't take my eyes away from it. This may  start out as a commercial entry. (just in case you don't know: A blog entry written only on commercial breaks during a really bad movie.)  And for a second, I thought  Tom Berringer might have been in it, but he turned out to be some older woman.
So yeah, finally dragged my lazy ass to Crossgates Mall to see Green Lantern. The only viewing left was the 4:40pm, 3d show. Being not so happy about that, I decided to purchase the ticket anyways. 
A while back I had watched the 3d version of Avatar, and needless to say, it did not live up to any expectation whatsoever. If I personally never see another 3d movie again, I'll be extremely happy. It was turning out to be a bad experience when I passed the hundred or so people gathering around the escalator waiting for the opening of Harry Potter : The Deathly Hallows Part Dos and made my way upstairs to find that the concession wasn't up and running, so I made my way back down.

They let anyone into Hogwart's these days 
Buying popcorn at a theater is a very important part of the movie going experience IMHO. I  ordered my medium popcorn, and made sure the clerk got it right. A little corn, a little butter, repeat = 3 times. It's all about the layering. She did it perfectly and I was very proud. After that and battling the Hogwart's Express, the 'Ripper' split my ticket, gave me the other half and said, 'Please sir, no outside beverages are allowed in the theater'. Yeah, I was CAUGHT!I was forced to throw my water out :(
So, back down to buy more. Out like $25.00 bucks at this point, but that's okay, it was expected. It was a battle and this movie better be f#*king great and not another Avatar.Hated it, but that was mostly because the asshole behind the counter didn't layer.
So, I give you a brief history. Comic Books have been a constant in my life for as long as I can remember. Most people think they are for kids, but the little known truth is, the average comic book reader is ages 35 to 44. And yes, some of us are geeks, but we embrace it.Comics are not as silly as most people assume they are. There is some great stories with complex characters , and great artwork in most cases. These days ,almost all comics are available in digital format for tablets, computers, and even phones. When I was a wee lad, it was all in print, and wearing them out to nothing was a normal thing for me. I would read and read the same  comic over and over.
I'm pretty sure this is shopped
Eventually I got into the collecting thing, but I was more interested in the stories then not letting air or skin come in direct contact with them, so it died out pretty fast. These days, there's a hard drive dedicated to nothing but comics. Of all the titles out there, Green Lantern was my absolute favorite. The thought of having a ring that could form any object just from a thought. Yeah, that would be the shit. So basically, I've been waiting about 30 years for this movie to come out. Was it worth it? Maybe.
Like most movies, the moguls get so jacked up when they get major star signed on, they tend to forget the most important part, the story. The actors and voice overs, were spot on, especially  Mark Strong, who played Sinestro.
You may know him from his recent role as Lord Blackwood from Sherlock Holmes. Look for him in the future, he's going to go far.
For Hal Jordan they cast RyanReynolds. I've been a fan of him for quite some time, mostly for his sarcastic wit. Sadly, many fanboys became extremely mad over this choice. Now, if you're familiar with Hal Jordan, you would know he is a womanizing stud who is fearless and carefree. From the get go I thought he was a great pick.

I'm not going into detail with the rest of the cast, except for one more actor, and that's Peter Sarsagaard. If you're not that familiar with the name, you will be once you IMDB him. Guaranteed that he's been in at least 2 movies you have loved within the last 5 years. Personally, every movie with him in it that I have seen was good, if not great.

The rest of the actors/actresses were a great match for the characters they portrayed. No complaints there. Special effects deserve an A. The CGI team, brought the world of OA and the GL Corps to life. The only aspect of the animation was the way the Guardian's were drawn and that prevented them from an A+. Sure, the Director added to that too, otherwise, it would have been a B for them.
Finally, we come to the story. I understand you have to fit  50 plus years of character evolution into a couple hours, you're going to have to dice it up a little. With that said, I have to give the story a C+ at the absolute most. It was a little UN-meaty. There should have been a little more of a story instead of a quick, here's everybody and this is what they do, now let's watch them save the world. On a side note, I have to give the 3D a  BIG FAT D-. Watching the regular version would have been just as good. My hope is that the sequel(s) will be much better in the story department. Ask the fans, we don't have anything else to do and we could come up with something better. And there you have it...

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