Thursday, June 30, 2011
Make sure to check out the rest of the pictures here
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
My Beautiful Past...My Beautiful Future
I was so young, that i don't remember that much about it except these few things.It was in the far corner of the living room. The second thing was the way data used to be saved, and that was on a tape recorder.
I also remember it used cartridges. I remember that when we got our first modem, you had to place your phone on this weird looking device. OK, I guess I remember a lot more then I thought. The thing that stands out most is this:
10 FOR A=1 to 10
20 PRINT "Steve is awesome!!!"
And there was a few variations on it. Nowadays thing's are a little different which, if you're reading this you are well aware of. But the future, Ahhh the future for me is shaping up in my head to become very exciting.Literally.Imagine this,you're at the doctor's and you find out there's an hour long wait before he can see you.What do you do? You access some music, videos, or maybe that book you've been reading.You're not using your ipad or your laptop, you're accessing it from the memory chip thats in your body.
The video appears in your eyes with multiple ways to view it. There's 3d, Opaque of course, so you can see whats going on behind the movie, or even full cinema. The sound is generated in your ears and you're not disturbing anyone and your powering all of this from the energy your body creates.h to dream. I'm sure some people are terrified by this, but not me. I can't wait to post a blog from within my head, without having to type or open several applications. BRING IT ON!!!! Really, where else can technology take us? I'm sure it's being worked on somewhere as I type this.Here's an interesting article on things
Hopefully things will be a little different then this |
Benedict Campbell
Why People Are Dks!
Right now , I'm fiending like a drug addict to get an internet tablet of any kind, I don't even care if it's the worst one on the market. You get these kids that think it's funny to destroy an important piece of tech.
What is it? Rich kids or people that are trying to be funny, again, I don't get it. I've got a great idea tho
ugh. Instead of destroying the next one, give it to someone who might be inspired to actually use it. Right now, theres an artist, musician, writer, poet, photographer, designer, and a million creative types who could show us that dreams are possible or that the ultimate question's could be answered. But instead, be a dick and shoot it with a gun while one more kid dies of starvation. Don't use the excuse that you're trying to help us by telling us we need a case , of course we do, It's a fragile piece of electronic equipment. Since when does a computer equal baseball. You're not gonna throw it or run it underwater to clean it off.But maybe we're all idiots anyways.
The elusive tablet...
IPad Specs |
Acer Specs Unconfirmed |
1 Comment was then added to this post:
Anonymous # 14. June 2011, 21:08 Anonymous writes: What you need to understand is that the tablets don't run Mac OSX or Windows 7. They run mobile operating systems, The iPad2 runs iOS4 and the Acer runs Google Android. The iPad2 has a camera accessory kit that converts the 30 pin connector to a usb port for downloading photos. There is also a way to trick it into reading usb flash drives. The other adapter in the kit converts the 30 pin connector to a sd card reader.
The NEW, New Blog
I think the blog is going to change since Im not getting the help I thought I was. Not that I'm mad, but if the dream is to be realized, well then it's gonna be my dream and the hell with everyone else!
Starting with this. I came across an old post on geekologie and fell in love with these guys.There a group who calls themselves The symphony of Science. They take old lectures and TV appearances and using Autotune they create songs about science that are actually pretty good. Check it out here: And heres a link to there other videos: ENJOY Bitches!!!
The Postworld
Possibly some of my best photoshoppin' ever |
So maybe I missed it somewhere. In Waterworld, I believe the reason for the apocalypse is that the polar ice caps melt. This makes sense to, because at the time of its release, The world was in the middle of its fear of the whole global warming farce. If anyone was trying to ride the coat tails of free publicity and fear, it was the makers of this flick. The Postman on the other hand, unless I slept through this part on numerous occasions, fails to tell us why the world is like it is and why a copier salesman rules what's left of America.
I could sit here and tell you all why its such a crappy movie, but I don't have to . It's my blog and I can just say it really sucked. I will point out one more scene. It's a long scene that takes part in the woods at a cabin that Kevin Costner and his woman discover while on the run from the bad guys. They waste about 30 minutes on this part and it just didn't need to be there. I want that part of my life back. It was wasted. I think at this point in his career, Kevin Costner believed that he was untouchable(pun intended). Not the case, especially after seeing this movie. Bottom Line is, he needs someone to pick his scripts for him. If you want to See a good Costner movie, of course, Dances with Wolves is top of the list. After that I would say go for A Perfect World with Clint Eastwood. Costner plays the villain in an eerie, skin crawling way that makes you not want to watch him. I love it
And that's all i have to say for now!
The Postman
It seems i may have been challenged by my sibling. That's my brother. But before I start this,I have to down like six ibuprofen for what I'm about to endure.
(small amount of time passing)
(longer amount of time passing)
Aahhhhhh, okay, back to it. My brother likes Waterworld and the Postman! I should just end it there, but I can't. He challenged me just by saying it. I've been putting off this Kevin Costner Post Apocalyptic review for some time because, well, to be quite honest, Those movies drain me. I've been unfortunate to see Waterworld about 187 times this month. No, not out of choice or for educational purposes. I know the one reader of this blog (me) thinks i study hard at reviewing bad movies, but it really just comes naturally. I saw themm because for some reason, the brilliant minds at the basic cable programming department decided it was Waterworld month. So now I have to sit through The Postman. Great. Its been on my hard drive for about 2 months, just wasting space. I was hoping I would have given up on this whole blog thing by now, but hell no. I've just been challenged!My plan tonight is not to sleep but to watch that movie. And I'm gonna watch the hell out of it Dick!( You see, my dad's name was Dick but it was really Richard, and since my brother's name is also Richard, well I'm just gonna call him Dick(because I can) even though he likes to be called Rick) That was fun. So tune in soon...
2 Comments were then made on this post:
(rick12344) June 2011, 01:22
Challenged you were and challenged you are. Wait. ! There. I guess if I watched them 167 times I would be negative too....but I did download that one costner movie you said was good; the one he played a villian in.
(rick12344) June 2011, 01:23
BTW, I don't think you could get a better picture of "oh fuck" than you behind that glenville pd sign.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Waking Life
More then half the movie seems more like spoken word. The thing I personally never liked about spoken word, is it's monotonous droning that whoever is reciting it tends to use. To put this in a film is a terrible choice. The entire film seems contrived. I guess back in 2001 when it first came out, it was very impressive due to the animation. It uses a type of rotoscoping. I read somewhere that it used primarily off the shelf apple computers of the day. It then used the program Rotoshop exclusively. I thought that was pretty neat, but I'm a computer geek, so I would. The other impressive thing about the film was the sountrack. The Waking Life OST was performed and written by Glover Gill and the Tosca Tango Orchestra, except for one piece of Frédéric Chopin's that was used. The soundtrack was relatively successful. Featuring the Nuevo tango style, it bills itself "the 21st Century Tango." The tango contributions were influenced by the music of the Argentine "father of new tango" Ástor Piazzolla. The actual tango scores are revised renditions of Ástor Piazzolla's works. The music is very haunting. Completely done in an off tune type of way, it sticks with you for a while after seeing this film.
To describe this movie as a cerebral experience is just nonsense, It's mostly a demonstration of, 'look how smart I am' with its use of large , elaborate words that are thrown in to make the writer(s) appear intellectual. If you are confronted with the option to watch this movie or watch the grass grow, pick the latter, for that is a far more interesting waste of an hour and a half. I would like to thank Wikipedia for some of the information in this post.
The Rapture
As of right now, I'm switching things over from my old blog I had started. I won't give the name, but I'll tell you this. There were no options for design and other various things that make a blog my own and personal. This post was originally written on the day the Rapture was supposed to take place.Saturday, 21. May, 13:57
As I sit here waiting for the rapture, i cant help but think of the many bad movies I have see through out my entire life. Heres just a few:
Waterworld and The Postman ( basically the same movie )
Superman 1
Superman 2
Superman 3 & 4 ( you get the idea )
Independence Day
Rocky 4 & 5
Ghost Rider
Star Wars The Phantom Menace
GI Joe The Rise od Cobra
Demolition Man Any Stallone Movie from the nineties
Allright, you get the idea. Now, I was looking forward to writing a post today until I realized the end of the world was going to happen today.PFFFFT! Figure that would be today. Well, until next time then, when I start on the list with Catwoman. Til then, heres a sneak peak at the seriousness of Sharon Stone and her role in Catwoman. Its so sad.
Laterz! See you after the Rapture maybe...
Thor and why it sucked
My name is Steve, I am a 38 year old Chef who is unable to hold a knife due to a nerve problem in my arm, so, I've decided to start a blog about everything.This is Matt and hopefully he'll have some input also. Or not.
Hi Matt! |
So , Thor falls to Earth and starts yelling things like, how dare you, I am the mighty Thor', and what's supposed to be funny, is that he gets tasered at first by Kat Dennings and then in the hospital he gets a tranquilizer. We get it at this point, he's Thor. What's even worse is , in typical bad movie story telling, the writers make sure they throw in as much of the characters stories as possible so you get to know them. For example, Thor gets home from the hospital after he escapes from restraints and coincidentally gets run over by Natalie Portman. Again. Ha-ha. Humor. After they get back to her house, he talks about eating and she starts telling him about her ex-boyfriend. And next scene , they're all best friends. That was fast. I don’t think I'm going to make it through this movie.
After breakfast Thor says goodbye and SHIELD takes all of Natalie's equipment. But thank the Gods that Stellan Skarsgård is there because he is a fountain of useless information. He conveniently knows the story of Thor from childhood stories and he's had dealings with SHIELD in the past. Very convenient, but im sorry to say, it makes for a very dull story. And the love story begins, not even 1 day passes and Natalie is falling in love, didn’t see that one coming. And just like that, he walks into a fully secured SHIELD/Military base, but its okay because he put a rain coat on. So after beating up a few guards, he gets in one last 5 minute fight with a big black dude, and when he's done, not one guard as made it to the chamber that the hammer is in, which is the only reason the base is setup anyways. Go figure. But go figure, they just let him go. And that's about it for me, I'm going to try and finish it up tomorrow, as of right now, I want to vomit. Once again Marvel lives up to my expectations in making another terrible movie.
All in all, this movie turned out to be boring. The plot was predictable, which , to me is the worst thing to have in what could have been a good movie. They jammed too much into the time allowed. You have to figure, most people who are going to see this know who Thor is. If they didn't, they could have told the tale of him in about 5 minutes and then put a great story after that and you got a good movie. This was simply another rung in the ladder. What it did was introduce Thor for the upcoming Avengers movie which, i hope is gonna be good. The sad thing is, Hollywood continues to destroy comic books, and since I'm a huge comic book fan, i have to say, Hollywood, you suck ass! Believe me when I tell you, don't see this movie!